1.It can be quite difficult to get your foot in the door when it comes to getting published. You could have literary gold and yet, for a number of reasons, it’s not entirely unlikely your work could get overlooked. With that in mind, do you feel it would be better to go the self-publish route for your first novel?

2. In “5 Ways to Build Strong Network Connections” the author suggests getting in touch or sending thank you letters via hand-written letter. She also mentions meeting in person. While it may seem more personal in the digital age, are these tactics even practical anymore?

3.Social Networks have been both a blessing and a curse.They’re a useful tool for getting your work out there but at what cost? For starters, much of your personal information becomes public knowledge. So the question is; how comfortable are you with using sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook?

4.What do you think of sites such as Writer’s Bloq? Can they really be reliable tools for getting your work out there? Can such niche sites truly bring in the audience you desire?

5.When managing a blog or related site, you have to keep the content flowing. At the same time you have to ensure it’s all quality work that your fans will want to read. How do you find the proper balance?

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