


1. Do I find myself satisfied and challenged by my current projects? The thing is, I’m the one deciding on what work I’ll be doing. I do as much work as I can handle.

2. Where do I see myself in two years. With a degree in hand I’ve hopefully landed a full-time gig somewhere. I’m well aware that may not be the case, so at the very least I expect to be doing plenty of freelance work.

3.What are my long-term career goals. Well I’d like to work my way up from a freelance writer to a salaried role as an editor. To be honest, I’m not all that interested in becoming an E.I.C. anywhere. I’d much rather focus specifically on content creation. Ideally reviews, opinion pieces,and video content. With that said, I do have some dreams outside of being a video game blogger. While that’s where I see myself permanently, I would love to branch out to actually write some games or T.V. shows.

4.What readings will or have helped me branch out? Well, I’ve read a couple books about how to be a video game blogger. There’s a ton of quality advice out there in the internet from people who already posses a job in my desired field. In actuality, the internet has made my career field not only easier to get into, but a much more viable means to supporting yourself.

5.Who do I know that could help me. Well I’ve made contacts within the industry for starters. There are also my fellow writers who have already helped me advance my skills.

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